Regarding the good fortune of the valorous Don Felipe Quixote in the fearful and never imagined adventure of the windmills, along with other events worthy of joyful remembrance
We left off discussion of the Don's adventures on the 11th June 2022, as our valorious Knight pondered travelling across country to the huge city of Toronto, there to settle a score with other putative knights - but more likely to find that the carbon conscious millennials had put up windmills to confound him. So to avoid the disaster which befel his namesake over 400 year ago, Don Felipe instead considered a train journey for the 4,400 km from Vancouver to the Ontario province.
The Princess Rosa accompanied him, readily providing the means of carriage in one of her flying Air Canada birds. The 5 hour journey was considered to be a better alternative to the 5 day train journey - sitting up. For the fully catered bedroom variety of train journey had a fee attached that was outside of Don Felipe's Canadian dollar capacity.
Good fortune would have it that the tickets for the Dave Matthews Band concert remained viable, the risk posed of cancellation or failure to traverse the continent, being serious. Indeed, this was the musician's first movement across the USA-Canadian border for 3 years.
He (D Matthews, Knight errant) stated that one might wonder at the lunacy of those south of the Canadian/US border (he residing normally in Virginia), but assured the audience 'we are not all bad and mad'. That assertion was again put under test as the Americans shot themselves, once more, on their 4th July celebratory day, with the death of 7 in Chicago, in the 306th mass shooting this year.
Don Felipe and Princess Rosa had their own accidental immersion into the USA when inspecting the border at Point Roberts/Tsawwassen (meaning 'land facing the sea'), south of main downtown Vancouver (note: Captain Vancouver himself a Lietenant under Captain James Cook). On a daytime exploration of the suburb, Rosa took Mazda Rocinante into the DMZ, and your scribe (without passport) was obliged to prove bona fides to the USA border guards (armed of course). Some 50 minutes of debate ensured Don Felipe was permitted to remain in the USA for the purpose of departing for Canada (some 30 metres away). At the Canadian side, the unarmed immigration official welcomed the Don and Lady Rosa to the safety of Justin Trudeau's northern haven.
Image: current reading for bedtime: the very interesting historical discourse on what became James Cook's ship for watching the transit of Venus, and traversing the globe, stopping briefly at Botany Bay to declare Terra Australis forever (until Mabo) 'that will be a distant shore, a part of England' - not that Cook died there, you will recall his demise was at the ironically named Friendly Islands.
Image: Nathan's famous Fanfurters. The original and the best. Apparently.
Bill Reid is a famous (in this far flung place) Canadian artist. His works are on display in an art gallery in the main street 'downtown' Vancouver. He is credited with revival and innovative resergence of Northwest Coast Indigenous arts in the contemporary world. A bit like the Don Felipe, by analogy, in his own area of expertise: tilting at windmills.
Various Salmon tin labels were on display at the Georgia Cannery at Steveton, BC, inspected on Canada Day, 1st July.
This place put Don Felipe in mind of John Steinbeck's Cannery Row.
Image: Emporer Trudeau is not universally heralded as the Knight-Saviour, but at the same time seems to have ongoing support, with the assitance of minor parties, to rule over this huge country. He gave a rousing speech on Canada Day, fashioned around English and French, immigrants and compassion, hope and responsibility, justice, openness and hard work. "Canada has never been perfect, and its not perfect now" said the immaculately groomed and carefully curated 'other' Justin.
Image: inside Lady Ducinea- Rosa's humble abode, with fashionable iconic symbols of past dynasties - from the Incas to the Eskimo, with the music of Bach resonating under the guidance of Canadian maestro Glenn Gould, as he hummed along, 'to make it sound better' - such confidence!
A refrigerator (refrigerador) can tell a hundred stories. Princess peerless Dulcinea-Rosa displays images of family and friends against the silver background. Are you pictured? Well, if not, it is time to desport yourself with a soupcon more diplomacy.
Image: Toronto Pearson international airport, as part of the Dave Matthews Band tour, this airport rivals Sydney - Australia for inefficiency. My tip: don't take luggage, just cabin gear. Don't worry, be happy
After the concert, the train back to the hotel. Don Felipe and Lady Dulcinea made their weary way to the hotel for a 3 hour rest before arising at 3.30am to get to the Toronto airport for return to Vancouver. This is the modern era of air travel
Toronto tower, quite tall, compared to (say) the Telegraph Hotel or Highfield House
Now here is a thing: the concert was on the Budweiser Stage, a beer conglomerate which is not associated with the military junta ruling by force the Myanmar people (cf Kirin, Lion, and owner also of Australia beer brands).
On that day, 1st July, no Canadians shot or killed each other for no particular reason. An enquiry will be held. It is propounded by the Don that having a national day unattached to certain disputed historical events be considered justification for a change of Australia Day to a similarly unifying day for the various peoples who now call themselves Australians.
Image: a Dodge Phoenix of c 1957, rusting at Steveston. By analogy, your scribe, also born 1957, is likewise rusting.
Image: Emporer Trudeau is not universally heralded as the Knight-Saviour, but at the same time seems to have ongoing support, with the assitance of minor parties, to rule over this huge country. He gave a rousing speech on Canada Day, fashioned around English and French, immigrants and compassion, hope and responsibility, justice, openness and hard work. "Canada has never been perfect, and its not perfect now" said the immaculately groomed and carefully curated 'other' Justin.
Image: inside Lady Ducinea- Rosa's humble abode, with fashionable iconic symbols of past dynasties - from the Incas to the Eskimo, with the music of Bach resonating under the guidance of Canadian maestro Glenn Gould, as he hummed along, 'to make it sound better' - such confidence!
Image: Don Felipe and the Dungeness Crab claw, which put him in so much trouble at the USA border. "You can't import crabs into the USA". Well, how much of a close inspection will the border guard undertake?
A refrigerator (refrigerador) can tell a hundred stories. Princess peerless Dulcinea-Rosa displays images of family and friends against the silver background. Are you pictured? Well, if not, it is time to desport yourself with a soupcon more diplomacy.
SEALY SEAT OF POWER: Auction of Loonies
On the road to the Okanagan Valley, mention of Loonies for sale by auction. A novel idea. We seem only to provide them with social security. Who would buy? At what price? All of this at the small lakeside township of Hedley, named after Leigh Sealy's father - one might wonder at the foresight of the founders of Hedley, to also hold regular auctions of looneys. Perhaps 4 in one family is too many, and trying to make commercial gain 'makes sense, you know it does!'
On the road to the Okanagan Valley, mention of Loonies for sale by auction. A novel idea. We seem only to provide them with social security. Who would buy? At what price? All of this at the small lakeside township of Hedley, named after Leigh Sealy's father - one might wonder at the foresight of the founders of Hedley, to also hold regular auctions of looneys. Perhaps 4 in one family is too many, and trying to make commercial gain 'makes sense, you know it does!'
The proud burghers of Hedley also have dinner available, and bingo for the gamblers.
Hedley: you might be able to check out, but can you leave?
The road out. Some say, like Launceston, it is the best view.
Whilst in Oliver in the great Okanagan Valley, Don Felipe and Princess Rosa enjoyed the company of old friends, the wine which is ubiquitous and sunshine and warmth of quality Canadian hospitality. Pictured: Rosa's friend of 40 years, Charlene.
Others enjoying the wine that day, Steve Shaene and Craig Cameron
Craig and Jean sup deeply from the goblets of refreshing wine
Bare hills of the Okenagan, some parts a desert
Image: who knows? I would say something left over from 'Brazil' by Terry Gilliam.
Found: at one of Dulcinea-Rosa's friends, old school annuals showing Rosa, and hesiblings in various sporting teams in the 1970s. Rugby features for both Rosa's brothers Manuel and Bill (dec'd) and sister Nancy
I sense the netball coach may be looking over his shoulder for the tap from the RCMP officer. Is this the issue which brought down Boris Johnson's prime ministership?
Dining in the Okanagan.
Wine tasting in Oliver - very fine organised and comfortable surroundings in the winery. Hester Creek (under tutelage of Jacquie Davidson)
Image: not just large trucks but powerful sporting cars - this 5 litre engined Corvette Stingray caught my eye
Image: time to finish this blog before reports to the Royal Mounted Canadian Police draw attention to your scribe's border fiasco, and the visa is put into jeopardy
Canada, not the land solely of sweeping plains
Hedley: you might be able to check out, but can you leave?
The road out. Some say, like Launceston, it is the best view.
Whilst in Oliver in the great Okanagan Valley, Don Felipe and Princess Rosa enjoyed the company of old friends, the wine which is ubiquitous and sunshine and warmth of quality Canadian hospitality. Pictured: Rosa's friend of 40 years, Charlene.
Image: the sun shining at the Oliver Wine Trading post
Others enjoying the wine that day, Steve Shaene and Craig Cameron
Craig and Jean sup deeply from the goblets of refreshing wine
Bare hills of the Okenagan, some parts a desert
Image: who knows? I would say something left over from 'Brazil' by Terry Gilliam.
Juxtaposed with Lady Dulcinea. All is in harmony
Image below: most people in the country drive 3 to 5 litre engine 'trucks. Capable of carrying maybe 4 people and a picnic hamper and a small supermarket or office building, these monolithic examples of 'man's 20th and 21st century attachment to the internal combustion engine'(Kurt Vonnegut Jnr) require wide streets, enormous car parks, underground 'parkades', dedicating space and resources perhaps better used for homes in a redistribution of scarce assets in a more economic fashion. Hey, but who makes the decisions ...
Found: at one of Dulcinea-Rosa's friends, old school annuals showing Rosa, and hesiblings in various sporting teams in the 1970s. Rugby features for both Rosa's brothers Manuel and Bill (dec'd) and sister Nancy
Dining in the Okanagan.
See the similarities? No coincidence
Image: lady Rosa and Steve-Sancho-Panza
Image: not just large trucks but powerful sporting cars - this 5 litre engined Corvette Stingray caught my eye
Image: outside the Howling Coyote, lady Dulcinea-Rosa is reprising the previous night's 'Werewolves of London' medley, performed inside the venue, much to the enjoyment of the assembled crowd of loosley associated criminals, escapees, and looneys (including the Don-Felipe). The Coyote is feared in the suburbs, being known to take babies, cats, small dogs, rabbits etc. The refrain at the HC was "Coyote, baby in its mouth..."
Image: time to finish this blog before reports to the Royal Mounted Canadian Police draw attention to your scribe's border fiasco, and the visa is put into jeopardy
Canada, not the land solely of sweeping plains
Image: Toronto Pearson international airport, as part of the Dave Matthews Band tour, this airport rivals Sydney - Australia for inefficiency. My tip: don't take luggage, just cabin gear. Don't worry, be happy
After the concert, the train back to the hotel. Don Felipe and Lady Dulcinea made their weary way to the hotel for a 3 hour rest before arising at 3.30am to get to the Toronto airport for return to Vancouver. This is the modern era of air travel
Toronto tower, quite tall, compared to (say) the Telegraph Hotel or Highfield House
Now here is a thing: the concert was on the Budweiser Stage, a beer conglomerate which is not associated with the military junta ruling by force the Myanmar people (cf Kirin, Lion, and owner also of Australia beer brands).
Note too, the 'crowd' of 2 in a line /queue, seeking to buy a refreshing ale for consumption during the concert. Would that happen in Australia? No. We insist on under-staffing, making customers wait intolerable periods of time, pay eye watering prices and have police and crowd security in readiness to arrest those who can not contain their frustration. Let he who has not sinned caste the first stone.
Image: David Matthews, energetic and engaging
The queue of 2 awaiting service at the Budweiser Stage bar. Whilst the Don was nearby, staff hailed him OFFERING service!
A beautiful old train
The quite tall Toronto Tower, from directly below, looking up. But you knew that
Niagara on the Lake - a beautiful town. This image of course looks good, but is probably not informative without a magnifying glass, and even then will not be easily read due to distortion. However, look it up on google if you want, so said a Labor politician
The old WV, classic 'splitty' at Niagara.
Town hall at Niagara. Don Felipe explained to Lady Rosa the cockney rhymming slang for 'grabbing him by the niagaras', which might now be expanded to include 'holding him by the town halls'.
Replete. Lunch at a vineyard in Niagara by the Lake
The Niagaras: no slang intent
A base load power station. Replaced by solar and wind?
Lemmings on their last journey
Meanwhile, back in the hometown of Hobart, it is with great pride for all associated with the other Justin (the one who is not Prime Minister of Canada) - Black, that the Taroona RUFC have awarded The Justin with life membership. Congratulations Emporer Penguin Justin
To finish: purchased at a garage sale last weekend: these mint condition 'Classics Illustrated' for a total of $3. Maate! what a steal.
Something for nephew Sam. His very own club
USA and Canada border. Roberts Point
Image (above) spelling mistake?
It might not be all bad luck to be in a graveyard. (above) 42, the answer to the question of the meaning of life
Image: David Matthews, energetic and engaging
The queue of 2 awaiting service at the Budweiser Stage bar. Whilst the Don was nearby, staff hailed him OFFERING service!
A beautiful old train
The quite tall Toronto Tower, from directly below, looking up. But you knew that
Who wrote them legs?
Niagara on the Lake - a beautiful town. This image of course looks good, but is probably not informative without a magnifying glass, and even then will not be easily read due to distortion. However, look it up on google if you want, so said a Labor politician
The old WV, classic 'splitty' at Niagara.
Town hall at Niagara. Don Felipe explained to Lady Rosa the cockney rhymming slang for 'grabbing him by the niagaras', which might now be expanded to include 'holding him by the town halls'.
Quaint eateries in Niagara by the Lake
Replete. Lunch at a vineyard in Niagara by the Lake
The Niagaras: no slang intent
Words fail to describe the power and noise, potency, energy and attraction of the Niagara Falls. Only due to time, not lack of ability, do I cease trying to so describe... 

A base load power station. Replaced by solar and wind?
Lemmings on their last journey
Meanwhile, back in the hometown of Hobart, it is with great pride for all associated with the other Justin (the one who is not Prime Minister of Canada) - Black, that the Taroona RUFC have awarded The Justin with life membership. Congratulations Emporer Penguin Justin
To finish: purchased at a garage sale last weekend: these mint condition 'Classics Illustrated' for a total of $3. Maate! what a steal.
By for now.
Something for nephew Sam. His very own club
USA and Canada border. Roberts Point
Image (above) spelling mistake?
It might not be all bad luck to be in a graveyard. (above) 42, the answer to the question of the meaning of life
Image (below) grave of Princess Dulcinea-Rosa brother, Bill (Guillermo) at Tsawwassen
Why are there so many Smith's in the Graveyard?
Why are there so many Smith's in the Graveyard?
They are all deceased.
As the sun sets over Vancouver, check out who you are dealing with, and make sure they are real (Skyhooks - Living in the 70s)
Justin 'Panda' has his own hotel
Is that a woman exiting my old Peugeot 304…
As the sun sets over Vancouver, check out who you are dealing with, and make sure they are real (Skyhooks - Living in the 70s)
East Van. Tough trying to get to sleep
Image. Princess Rosa apartment. Top leftishKimber from Hong Kong
Justin 'Panda' has his own hotel
Is that a woman exiting my old Peugeot 304…
Great read, only thinking of you two enjoying summer as we endure snow and bitter temperatures. However, it has been without much rain in the south not like NSW.
Niagara Falls are really impressive when you stand so close to all that water passing you by- like yourselves I was impressed with the power.
The gold in the story was the find of the Classics Illistrated find, is such good condition and only $3.
Keep up the commentary.
Might I adorn Rosa's refrigerator?
I am not a robot.