In decades gone by, it used to be the case that the partners of SWSW (why do they do that? Repeat one name in the title?) would have morning tea at the little cafe in Elizabeth Street "The Domino".
Here is the Domino today, reinvented as "Beaujangles"
The modern lawyer of today, however, has no time for recreational morning tea -whether dressed up as a "partners' meeting" or otherwise explained to the wife. Nowadays, he (or she) is fortunate to have amongst his number a "member of a club" - and entrance to the pre-eminent private establishments is made available.
Image: our host - in all but paying the bill - Robert Badenach, reminiscing with Peter Worrall
Stephen Dixon in his trendy black long collared T shirt - otherwise known as a "skivvy" chats with Gary Grant - one of the checked shirt brigade
Fay of Robert Fay and Co, entertains Q McCulloch, whilst Q refreshes his glass. Jim Walker looks on incredulous at the quick wit and powers of observation of his contemporaries
Archbishop Damian Egan regales Peter Joyce with tall tales of his splashes into the pool of interesting 'perpetuity rule challenges'. Peter's eyes close over with admiration
Gentlemen Davids Wallace and Whitehouse (one more W and they could have founded a firm) own up to their individual strategies to avoid adverse impact of a long afternoon 'at the club'. "I must leave before 4pm said one of the Ws"
Kimber Consulting - of another of those law firms which just can't help having one of the names doubled up, talks with Fay. Fay: "I reckon shaving that beard off will add 10 years to your life". Kimber: "I couldn't survive another 10". Fay: "You do the maths"
Close ups (slightly distorted): Dixon of the Valley of Love, and the rubicon
Young Mister Badenach -
Thanks gentlemen. A lovely day to share a few stories.
August 2020