
Disguises:  From here on in two matters of importance deserve announcement to the subagents (you).

First, you will not recognise Wormold on his return. Beckoned by the local Jefe de Barbaria (barber) he has shed his golden locks, first for comfort, second as a disguise.  With few who know him well in the occidente (east), a change of hairstyle was felt appropriate to avoid detection.
Snowing in Baracoa with 30 degrees heat?  Or the Man from Ironbark?

As Samson lay back in la la land on the barber's chair,  the morning shave, and hair cut removed the "Ernest Hemingway" look which had enchanted the dark mistresses of the noche. As they fell, or floated, or were caught by the fan blades, Triple Agent Rosa commented "it is snowing!".  A cursory glance outside and at the thermometer would has made clear to her it was not as the mercury was climbing to 33 centregrade. What was she thinking?

Your correspondent, and Mr Hemingway, proudly holding the Man Booker literary prize

Second: whilst in Santiago your agent visited the cemeterio; wherein lies the mausoleum of the greatest philosopher providing the basis for the revolution: Jose Marti.  The guard changing every half hour and the goose stepping guardians being of obvious genetic and physical superiority, let alone the quality of their hair style and army uniform, Vorrmoll had to play his position down. But here is the scoop: they have already prepared the grave and mausoleum for Fidel Castro!  Embargo: do not republish for fear of criminal defamation charges, and noting that criminal  matters are often dealt with in  tribunals of lesser compenence that Vermil's home jurisdiction Liquor Tribunal - at least whilst under his charge.

Santiago, you are invincible! And hospitable.  A rebel too

That revealed, I can report I am having my morning Daiquari in the hotel Sevilla Biltmore, previously a 'mob joint' before the revolution.  From room 501 Graham Greene wrote 'our man in Havana'.  You will have noticed some similarity in my blog to his literary style.

I hear Hadleys lost her roof. It was 5 years ago Sarah and I had an afternoon with Drummond in the pool bar at the hotel Nacional here in Havana....another haunt of the mafia, Greene, and Hemmingway.  The locals mistake me for Hemmingway. Maybe it is just the beard...

These writers had a good time - no doubt about it.

We go to Matanzas by the teain on Monday.
'Matanzas' means 'many murders' or massacre. I hope not this week.

Love to all.

