Snowy moves on

Today is an emotional day. Snowy, our family dog since 1993, has died today, having lived with us for nearly 16 years.
Andy and I took him to see the Vet, Doc James Harris at the Mayfair Vet Clinic.
Sarah had taken a strong hand in alleviating Snowy's pain, and had urged my attention to ensure that the Vet's advice was sought and taken.
We took Snow there a week ago, and we tried some kidney cleansing food for a week, but he (Snow!) has not been able to keep his food down, nor enjoy water much. He must have been groggy, starving, dehydrated, and polluted with his own waste.
We sought Sam 'Vetalent' Jones's advice and he was of the same mind.
Snowy has lost a drastic amount of weight, down from 6.65kg in June this year to 4.5kg. Not a scap of extra for that long walk through the jungle or desert.
Dr James encouraged the girls to come along and see him at any time if they have any questions about the decision. He was very pastorally caring.
In the end it was a light green coloured liquid, which went into Snowy's resistant skins and vein, and before the liquid had all been injected he had slumped.
In the end it was a light green coloured liquid, which went into Snowy's resistant skins and vein, and before the liquid had all been injected he had slumped.
We took him back and I dug a deep hole in the backyard, next to where we planted Bernice's 'tree for Nanna' last year, and put Snow gently to rest in the base. I put a fresh leaf from the Nanna Tree over his ear, so it wouldn't immediately fill with dirt, and Andy and I shovelled the dirt back into the hold on top of the Boy.
I have been sorting out the photos I can find in the digital archive and will post them on the net for your review.
He was a good man the Snow, very friendly and a real gentleman. I think his accidents on the carpet exceeded my own in number and quantity, so that makes me feel better.
We will always remember his frenetic youthful sexual experiences with the lime green stuffed Hippopotomus toy - clutching it in his paws and thrusting with such vigour, that the Hippo would spring into the air, only to be chased down and rammed again by the little white dog with the pink pencil. Just like the rest of us.
Who would forget the amateur vitinary exercises on the Snow at the shack? When Josh was called on to assist and failed to hold Snow squarely; Sam (Amateur Vet at the time) using the rubber glove and vaseline for the practical examination and Josh taking over the role theretofor mastered by Snowy, of 'barking' - viz dry retching.
Gaz Grant used to call him the "Harrier Jump Jet" for his capacity to elevate directly vertically by springing. Nothing to do with Margaret Thatcher and her war in the Falklands, although HJJs were part of the essential arsenal of a good military leader in those times.
I'm sorry I couldn't see you one more time, give you 1/2 a smackoes, and let you in and out of my door, repeatedly, as you demonstrated your ambivalence with regard to which was best; inside or outside.
Your love and loyalty for your immediate human family will dominate my memories of you. You would pop in (and out), for a visit, keeping an ear cocked for Sibit, Sarahpie or Andy and once sure one of them was home, you'd march to the door, your little short legs trotting along at a great pace and you'd howl with joy, "someone I love dearly is home, quick, quick let me meet them with a greeting I reserve for only them".
Another lovely memory is searching and calling for you in my house on an occasion when I was absolutely sure my most recent opening of the back door was to allow your requested entry. "Where is he?" I thought! Ultimately, I assumed I was wrong, "I must have let him out, he's definitely not here". Some time later as I passed one of my cat's small beds with the electric blanket I noticed a little white, furry presence. There he was, very snug, contentedly snoring away in a basket not quite suited to his portly requirements. Bless you.
I send you the Irish Blessing with love:
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Farewell Snow.
Arkar X