Iran to visit Myer devastation
The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said today, Columbia time, that he would seek permission from Lord Mayor Rob Valentine to visit the sight of the most recent devastation in the Myer\Liverpool Street fire scene. News of the request has rebounded around Roma, Bogata, Tehran, Hong Kong and Brisbane, finally to rest squarely on the Lord Mayor's shoulders.
Unlike the untrusting American infidels, Valentine did not immediatly rule out a visit: "We are a peaceful State, if someone wants to bring their hard currency and intellect to visit us, then we have an open mind".
The recent rejection by George W Bush of a similar request by Ahmadinejad to visit the 24/7 hole in New York was fresh in Valentine's mind, however, the libertarian streak is strong in those willing to wear black hats or berets.
But, back to the news.
We (PK, Ragwort and Nell) are in our last couple of days of enforced alibi creation (see earlier story on the Myer "incident"). We enjoyed Birdman's company in Montpellier, caught up with Liz and "The Whale" Leigh Sealy, and drove in Birdman's new tax free Alpha Romeo along the auto bahn and tunnels to Milano. Now there is a town. If you have watched the film Brazil, you will recall the heavy architecture of the neo fascist "you will think and do as you are told" buildings. So it is in Milano, apparently one of the fashion capitals of the world. Very enteraining.
Again Birdman exemplified hospitality, and cheered the girls up after having a rough time with their dad. Just his presence sometimes is enough. Now that is an admission against interest.
By the way Birdman, Helen Holmes at BMBTAS (the new sexy Butler McIntyre) and her lovely fecund daughter "Spaggs" send their wishes.
From Milano, we took the train to Venice about which you have heard. Then shortly afterwards the train (actually the wrong one) to Firenze. After changing trains to get there, and taking all the blame and paying up the little extra stupidity tax, we arrived, and had a look see at the queues to see David by Michaelangelo, or Michaelangelo by David - I forget which it is, as we couldn't take the wait. We did have a good look inside and out of the fantastic dome and Cathedral which is the hallmark of the city - of which that same Michaelangelo (or David, whichever it was) said " I am going to the Vatican city to build a dome, it will be better, but it will not be fairer". Cryptic bastard.
From Firenze to Roma: more spaghetti, and pasta, and pizza. Some alliteration there, but for good reason. We are ina 2 star hotel. Fabulous experience (for that, in Ragwort's words, read "it is merde" - that is French for Murder). Anyway, after a cold shower (read previous blog about running into Mrs Palmer) as the hot water doesn't work at all, we will hit the Da Vinci Airport and pizza offer to Honger Konger tomorrower.
Thanks for all those cards and call, just keep them rolling in. Thanks for updates on life in the Antipodes from Helen Holmes, Jonathan Smith, Graeme Lynch, Josh Jones, Roscoe Burdon, Merv Simmons, Andy Pandy, and Bernice, Gaz and Anna Grant, and The Mothership.
The Rugby: nearly forgot, the rest of the world seems to be ignoring it, Roma is a big city, and eating pizza is their caper. But as we walked around the Vatican City this morning, El Papa invited us in to comment on the Australia v Canada games which was just starting. It was a certainty, I told him, but Australia would toy with Canada, like his ancestors had done with the enemy in the Papal wars. He laughed.
Drew Mitchell had a flamboyant game, but we will have to be sure of our kicking for goal if we meet those Poms later in the day. As to that, it was unhelpful that England beat Tongo 36-20, thus permitting the Poms and South Africa to advance in that pool to the quarter finals.
Times up in this internet cafe. Love to you all.
Unlike the untrusting American infidels, Valentine did not immediatly rule out a visit: "We are a peaceful State, if someone wants to bring their hard currency and intellect to visit us, then we have an open mind".
The recent rejection by George W Bush of a similar request by Ahmadinejad to visit the 24/7 hole in New York was fresh in Valentine's mind, however, the libertarian streak is strong in those willing to wear black hats or berets.
But, back to the news.
We (PK, Ragwort and Nell) are in our last couple of days of enforced alibi creation (see earlier story on the Myer "incident"). We enjoyed Birdman's company in Montpellier, caught up with Liz and "The Whale" Leigh Sealy, and drove in Birdman's new tax free Alpha Romeo along the auto bahn and tunnels to Milano. Now there is a town. If you have watched the film Brazil, you will recall the heavy architecture of the neo fascist "you will think and do as you are told" buildings. So it is in Milano, apparently one of the fashion capitals of the world. Very enteraining.
Again Birdman exemplified hospitality, and cheered the girls up after having a rough time with their dad. Just his presence sometimes is enough. Now that is an admission against interest.
By the way Birdman, Helen Holmes at BMBTAS (the new sexy Butler McIntyre) and her lovely fecund daughter "Spaggs" send their wishes.
From Milano, we took the train to Venice about which you have heard. Then shortly afterwards the train (actually the wrong one) to Firenze. After changing trains to get there, and taking all the blame and paying up the little extra stupidity tax, we arrived, and had a look see at the queues to see David by Michaelangelo, or Michaelangelo by David - I forget which it is, as we couldn't take the wait. We did have a good look inside and out of the fantastic dome and Cathedral which is the hallmark of the city - of which that same Michaelangelo (or David, whichever it was) said " I am going to the Vatican city to build a dome, it will be better, but it will not be fairer". Cryptic bastard.
From Firenze to Roma: more spaghetti, and pasta, and pizza. Some alliteration there, but for good reason. We are ina 2 star hotel. Fabulous experience (for that, in Ragwort's words, read "it is merde" - that is French for Murder). Anyway, after a cold shower (read previous blog about running into Mrs Palmer) as the hot water doesn't work at all, we will hit the Da Vinci Airport and pizza offer to Honger Konger tomorrower.
Thanks for all those cards and call, just keep them rolling in. Thanks for updates on life in the Antipodes from Helen Holmes, Jonathan Smith, Graeme Lynch, Josh Jones, Roscoe Burdon, Merv Simmons, Andy Pandy, and Bernice, Gaz and Anna Grant, and The Mothership.
The Rugby: nearly forgot, the rest of the world seems to be ignoring it, Roma is a big city, and eating pizza is their caper. But as we walked around the Vatican City this morning, El Papa invited us in to comment on the Australia v Canada games which was just starting. It was a certainty, I told him, but Australia would toy with Canada, like his ancestors had done with the enemy in the Papal wars. He laughed.
Drew Mitchell had a flamboyant game, but we will have to be sure of our kicking for goal if we meet those Poms later in the day. As to that, it was unhelpful that England beat Tongo 36-20, thus permitting the Poms and South Africa to advance in that pool to the quarter finals.
Times up in this internet cafe. Love to you all.